AR400 Plate Supplier Singapore , Export to Singapore
AR400 Wear Resistant Plate Supplier Singapore , Export to Singapore
E Steel Sdn Bhd supply variety of wear resistant plate and steel plate , ranging from Hardox Plate (Origin Sweden) - Hardox 400 , Hardox 450 , Hardox 500 , Hardox 600 and also JFE EH400 , Abrex 400 (AR400) , Abrex 450 (AR450) , Abrex 500 (AR500) with the origin Japan.
We are the Singapore Supplier of AR400 / JFE EH400 / Sumihard 400 Wear Resistant in Singapore and also Philippines.
Characteristic of 400 Wear Resistant Plate
Abrex / Sumihard 400 is a through hardened abrasion resistant steel with a typical hardness of 415 BHN. These steels are the most widely used of the wear resistant grades. They exhibit an excellent combination of high resistance to impact, workability, weld ability and resistance to abrasion. It has about 3 times the abrasion resistance of common steel plate and contributes to prolonging the service life of mechanical parts.
WEAR RESISTANT STEEL PATES is used in areas where there is likely to be a high degree of abrasion or wear of the steel plate.
Steels with a high HB rating (Brinel Hardness) are intended for applications where wear or abrasion resistance is important. The benefit of using an abrasion resistant steel is that that the plant, machinery or constructions working life can be extended considerably. This can significantly improve the reliability, durability and safety of structures and equipment. It also helps to reduce the maintenance costs associated with wear and breakdown of plant.
400 HB steel is over 3 times harder than mild steel (120HB), but only a third as hard as stainless steel (1250HB)
To know more about AR400 Wear Resistant Plate , you may refer to this page :